Wael Kfoury Tickets Spotlight Recreational Services
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Wael Kfoury TicketsEvent Information

Stay tuned for upcoming events for Wael Kfoury in near future.

Wael KfouryWael Kfoury Live Concerts in UAE

Michel Emile Kfoury known by his stage name Wael Kfoury (وائل كفوري), is a Lebanese singer, musician, and songwriter. He is often called The king of romance. Wael studied solfège at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik. Kfoury signed a publicity campaign deal for Pepsi Co's PepsiArabia affiliate. Kfoury was a star of PepsiCo sponsored "Bahr el Noujoum" with a number of others. In February 2009, he announced cooperation with LG Electronics for a search for future music stars. In August 2011, Wael Kfoury launched a tennis tournament that runs under his patronage and his management team. The tournament is entitled "Kfoury First In." His song "Ya Souria", is considered as evidence of his support for Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

Ages 21+ only
Kfoury was married in Cyprus, in a civil ceremony, to Angela Bechara. Their relationship and marriage was kept a secret for some time from the press. The couple have a daughter named Michele, who was born September 10, 2011. Her name comes from the feminine equivalent of her father's real name Michel.

1994: Shafouha w Sarou Y'oulou ( شافوها وصارو يقولوا)
1995: Mayyet Fiki ( ميت فيكي)
1996: Ba'd el Sentayn ( بعد السنتين)
1997: Tna'shar Shaher ( اتنعشر شهر)
1998: Shubbak el Houb ( شباك الحب )
1999: Hikayat 'Asheq ( حكاية عاشق)
2000: Sa'alouni ( سألوني)
2001: Shou Ra'yak ( شو رأيك)
2003: Oumry Killo ( عمري كلو)
2004: Qorb Liyya ( قرب ليى)
2005: Bhebak ana ktyr ( بحبك أنا كتير)
2007: Byihenn ( بيحنّ)
2010: Kfoury Classic perfect
2012: Ya Dalli Ya Rou7i (يا ضلي يا روحي)
2014: Al Gharam l mostahil (الغرام المستحيل)
2015: Wael 2015
2016: Wael 2016

Wael Kfoury

Spotlight Recreational ServicesEvent Organizer for Wael Kfoury

Spotlight Recreational ServicesSpotlight RS (Recreational Services) is one of the leading Event's and Celebrity booking Agency in the region. We operate in MENA region and we manage a group of more then 45, A & B class celebrities.

Terms & Conditions : Age 21+ Only. All rights are reserved by organizer. Table and seat allocations will be done by the organizer.

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